Learning JavaScript: Losing My Mind From Boredom = Trying Something New

As I talked about before, I started following the How to Learn JavaScript course from JavaScript Is Sexy.  While I think it’s probably a great course, I am also starting to think it might not be for me – at least not at this point.

As per his recommendation, since I’m a newbie I am reading from the book JavaScript: The Definitive Guide.  Even though it’s theoretically for those with no programming knowledge, I’m finding it way over my head.  It’s using all kind of terminology I’m not familiar with and it’s deadly boring to boot.  I’m stuck mid-way through chapter 3 and I keep falling asleep.  Not a good sign.

I learned years ago (thank you high school) that I don’t learn well from books unless it is a topic I’m really passionate about.  It’s one reason I never got a university degree.  Well, I’m running into that problem again.  It’s ironic really, since I read more than anyone else I’ve ever met in my life.

Rather than continuing to beat my head against a wall and finishing the reading assignment through brute force with little/no absorption, I decided to look around to see if there were some other options.

I started on Amazon.  I thought maybe I could find I “JavaScript for Dummies” type book that might be a little fun and interesting to read.  There seemed to be a few options.  I looked around the torrent sites a bit to see if I could snag a copy there (I know, bad me) but no joy.  However, searching for the title and author of one book led me to a paid JavaScript course by that author and reading the reviews of that brought me to something even better: a FREE course! 🙂

The Beginners JavaScript tutorials look like exactly what I need.  I’ve watched the first couple and so far I’m really liking them.  They’re quick (just a few minutes each), they have code to test, the guy is funny and engaging, and I’m not staring at the pages of a book.

The course says it’s just a beginners series, so it might not get me as far as I need to go in order to get a job writing JS, but I’m hoping it’ll impart enough knowledge that I can go back to the book reading and actually understand what the author is writing about.  It’ll still be deadly dull but at least then I might understand something before I fall asleep. 🙂  He also has a jQuery course with 200 videos in it so maybe he will take me to an advanced level.

Bucky Roberts, the guy behind the videos, seems to have created just a TON of well received videos so I suspect I’ll be spending a lot of time on this site.  For those who don’t do well with just reading for learning but require something more interactive, this might be a great solution for you and he offers a wide variety of courses on dozens of subjects.  They’d also be good for someone with limited time as each video seems to only be a few minutes long so you could just watch one here and there as you have time and still keep learning.

Code Sample: JavaScript Are You A Travel Addict Mini-Quiz

One of the CodeCademy projects was to write a choose your own adventure program.  I decided to use it to make a mini-quiz related to my primary addiction (travel).  It’s nothing major but I wrote it all from scratch so I’m happy with it.  I look forward to learning more so I can make it a bit more fun and engaging (for me and the users).

Are you a Travel Addict? (code and output)

Are you a Travel Addict? (only output)

Code Sample: JavaScript Loan Calculator

This code was taken from the book JavaScript: The Definitive Guide which I am following as part of my Learning JavaScript course.  To get used to typing the syntax I typed it all in vs. copy/paste and I spent some time breaking and fixing it.  It was nice to have it start making sense after a bit of playing around.  A good portion of the code is above my head at this point, but  I understood more than I thought I would.

Loan Calculator (code and output)

Loan Calculator (just output)

Learning JavaScript Free Online: Phase 1

I am following the How to Learn JavaScript Properly course and these are my tasks for the first phase of the course (weeks 1-2).  Visit the blog post for complete information about the course.

  1. Complete the Web Fundamentals Track on Codecademy
  2. Read the Preface of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  3. Read Chapter 1 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  4. Read Chapter 2 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  5. Complete the Introduction to JavaScript section of the JavaScript Track on Codecademy
  6. Read Chapter 3 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  7. Read Chapter 4 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  8. Read Chapter 5 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  9. Complete section 2 of the JavaScript Track on Codecademy.
  10. Complete section 3 of the JavaScript Track on Codecademy.
  11. Complete section 4 of the JavaScript Track on Codecademy.
  12. Complete section 5 of the JavaScript Track on Codecademy.

Learning JavaScript Online for Free

After completing web fundamentals, I started the PHP course in CodeCademy.  I found I was struggling with it a bit and it wasn’t really gearing me up for my target job so I decided to switch to JavaScript which is highly in demand these days.

I started the CodeCademy course, but I didn’t find that it was really teaching me a whole lot.  I think it’s a good guide but so much is just fill in the blank vs. doing it on your own which made me feel I wasn’t learning very much.

I did some looking around and I found CodeAvengers which seems a lot more thorough and works better for me.  It is also free and has an HTML/CSS course which I will probably do once I’m done with the JavaScript.

I also found a blog post with a 6-8 week JavaScript course outlined.  It is something you can do at your own pace so I think it’ll work well and almost everything is free.  The course is made up of a variety of resources and from the comments others have made, it seems that you come out the end with a pretty good skill set so I’m excited.  He also created a course for Intermediate and Advanced JavaScript which I will likely do afterwards.

One thing he really stressed was the importance of writing out the examples in the books so I will post them to the blog when I’m done with them.  I think I will also code the CodeCademy part of the course in JSBin to get more used to tying complete code vs. just filling in the blanks.

Even if you don’t want/need to follow a complete course, I would recommend checking out JavaScript Is Sexy as the owner has some really great posts on just about everything related to coding in JavaScript.

Codecademy Web Fundamentals: Done!

html cssI started with the Web Fundamentals because I figured it would give me a good base to build from. It focused primarily on HTML and CSS, both of which I have some familiarity with from years of tweaking my sites. I was surprised by how much of the HTML I knew but I still learned a lot and the CSS was almost all new.

Course Pros:

  • It was laid out and progressed well in an engaging and occasionally humorous manner
  • It was an intro but covered most of the common HTML and CSS elements and some not so common

Course Cons:

  • If you get something wrong, there is no way to determine what it is so if you are really confused you just get stuck.  It would be nice if there was a “see correct code” button so you can see where you went wrong and then try again.
  • There is no easy way to look back at what has been covered previously if you forget an element.  Be prepared to go hunting off-site for help.
  • It was a LOT of information to absorb in one course – particularly the CSS.  This is probably at least partially my fault as I crammed it all into a day.  Those who take it more slowly probably won’t be as overwhelmed.


I’m glad I started with this course. It gave me some confidence to move forward and familiarity with terminology which I think will be found across languages.

Next Steps:

Because I’m still a bit confused by some of the CSS stuff, I want to practice a bit before moving on to another language.  I will do this via the “Projects” section on Codecademy and “Coding Exercises” on Programmr.  Both will help me practice what I have just learned which will make me more comfortable moving forward.

Learning to code for free with codecademy.com

Learning to codeWhen I first started thinking about learning to code, the friend who suggested it to me sent me a link to a coding “bootcamp”.  It was a 12-week immersion course guaranteed to take me from coding zero to coding hero in, well, 12 weeks.  That sounds great right?  Yep!  Until I looked at the price tag!  $11,500?!  Yeah, if I had that kind of money laying around I wouldn’t be worrying.

Being the budget minded (a.k.a. poor) person that I am, I started looking around for cheaper (a.k.a. free) options.  Time and again people recommended codecademy.com so I figured that should be my first stop on the learning express.  Signup was easy and with just the click of the “Register Via Facebook” button, I was ready to go.

Codecademy offers coding courses in the following areas:  Web Fundamentals, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, Python and Ruby.  Pretty much all of the languages most people recommend learning (with the notable exception of C#).

I decided to start with Web Fundamentals, which promises to teach me the basics of HTML and CSS and prepare me to create my own site by the end.  While I have some basic HTML knowledge, I figure starting from the beginning is probably the best way to go.  From there, I will likely just make my way down the list.

From what I’ve seen so far, it looks promising.  I will report back as I dig deeper.